MRCPCH part 1 Revision Tips


  1. "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice make perfect." MRCPCH preparation is hard work and requires as much practice as candidates can handle.
  2. Early on in your revision, make a study schedule. This way when the MRCPCH examination is close, you will know what yet needs to be accomplished.
  3. Do not waste time in reading lengthy text books. 
  4. The following textbooks are really good for MRCPCH Preparations 
    1. Essential revision notes in pediatrics for MRCPCH 3rd edition by Mark beattie & mike champion ( must)
    2. Basic medical sciences for MRCP part 1 3rd edition by Phillipa J . easterbrook (must)
    3. Pediatric exams - A survival guide 2 nd edition by Paul Gaon (optional )
    4. Illustrated text book of pediatrics 4th edition by Tom Lissauer (optional / must for beginners)
  5. For practicing MCQs the following are recomended  
    1. MRCPCH part 1 Paediatric MCQs with Individual subject summaries 3 rd edition by Maek Beattie
    2. Essential MCQs in Pediatrics for the MRCPCH 1 - volume 1 and volume 2 by Mark Beattie                              

  6. another option for solving the MCQs is online revision course for MRCPCH part 1 -  like Pastest.
  7. First revise the MCQs for particular system and then go over that chapter in the book . 
  8. Last but not the least, try to update your knowledge for recent updates like NICE guidelines, law of ethics 
  9. Try to solve the specimen papers posted in RCPCH site

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