- "Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice make perfect." MRCPCH preparation is hard work and requires as much practice as candidates can handle.
- Early on in your revision, make a study schedule. This way when the MRCPCH examination is close, you will know what yet needs to be accomplished.
- Do not waste time in reading lengthy text books.
- The following textbooks are really good for MRCPCH Preparations
- Essential revision notes in pediatrics for MRCPCH 3rd edition by Mark beattie & mike champion ( must) http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Revision-Notes-Paediatrics-Beattie/dp/1905635761
- Basic medical sciences for MRCP part 1 3rd edition by Phillipa J . easterbrook (must) http://store.elsevier.com/Basic-Medical-Sciences-for-MRCP-Part-1/Philippa-Easterbrook/isbn-9780443073267/
- Pediatric exams - A survival guide 2 nd edition by Paul Gaon (optional ) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Paediatric-Exams-Survival-MRCPCH-Guides/dp/0443100543
- Illustrated text book of pediatrics 4th edition by Tom Lissauer (optional / must for beginners) http://store.elsevier.com/Illustrated-Textbook-of-Paediatrics/isbn-9780723435655/
- For practicing MCQs the following are recomended
- MRCPCH part 1 Paediatric MCQs with Individual subject summaries 3 rd edition by Maek Beattie
- Essential MCQs in Pediatrics for the MRCPCH 1 - volume 1 and volume 2 by Mark Beattie http://books.google.ae/books/about/Essential_Questions_in_Paediatrics_for_M.html?id=spRW1enIF50C&redir_esc=y
- another option for solving the MCQs is online revision course for MRCPCH part 1 - like Pastest. http://www.pastest.co.uk/product/mrcpch-1-online?rbc=true&rcid=105819
- First revise the MCQs for particular system and then go over that chapter in the book .
- Last but not the least, try to update your knowledge for recent updates like NICE guidelines, law of ethics
- Try to solve the specimen papers posted in RCPCH site http://www.rcpch.ac.uk/training-examinations-professional-development/assessment-and-examinations/examinations/written-ex-3